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v. 17 n. 42 jan./jun. 2025

Public policies, democracy and racism: the role of civil society in the CNPIR

November 17, 2022


This article analyzes the struggle for social rights carried out by representatives of civil society in the National Council for Racial Equality (CNPIR). It is a space for social participation that includes representatives of social movements and non-governmental organizations, as well as government representatives. This qualitative research was carried out from 2018 to 2021, through interviews with CNPIR members who represent civil society and document analysis of official meeting records, as well as on-site visits. The following indicators were used based on these data: associative trajectory, representativeness and activism. It was found that counselors fight for social rights by facing structural racism associated with their own associative and participatory trajectory within the Council. The identity in the social struggles and the recognition of the heterogeneity of these counselors is an important result from the analyzed data, as they are subjects who recognized themselves in the struggle, in the difference, and with the same agenda: facing structural racism, fighting for more public policies to the blacks, to articulate
with the social movements, in particular with the Black Movement, in the search for the expansion of social rights, and access and expansion of public policies in a universal way.


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