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V. 15 N. 38 Maio/Ago. 2022


October 8, 2021


Responding to the underrepresentation of researches concerning the politics that influence the Bolsa Família’s governance structures, such as the parliamentary politics and the interest groups, this paper identifies the patterns of collective organization among the members of this subsystem, as well as some of the organized interests that influence the design of the program. Based on the analysis of parliamentary speeches in the 55ͭ ͪ (2015-2018) and 56ͭ ͪ (2018-2020) Brazilian federal legislatures, this research explores this environment from two important theoretical backgrounds, the neoinstitutionalist and the pluralist perspectives. Using a Narrative Policy Framework methodology, it was possible to observe that some external and internal factors potentially influence the parliamentary behavior in this policy arena, and that much of the activity of groups and deputies regarding this policy can be explained by the theoretical prescriptions adopted, such as policy feedback and ideational coalitions.


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