Peer Review Process
1. In line with the practice of open science, E-Legis adopts peer review with the possibility of a double-blind system or open review, in which reviewers and authors become aware of each other's identity.
2. The submitted manuscript follows the evaluation flow in three stages:
- two first stages of verification of formal aspects that include micro and macro aspects of the adequacy of the text to the formatting instructions of the E-Legis and technical standards. The editor-in-chief conducts this stages with the support of the journal's editorial board; and
- a third stage of content evaluation to verify the text’s adequacy to the journal’s scope, argumentative consistency, methodology, and references used. Reviewers conduct this stage under the guidance of the editors of the journal.
3. The stages can result in the following editorial decisions: “accept without restrictions”, "accept with mandatory adaptations”, “indicate new submission after reformulation”, “indicate submission to another journal”, and "reject".
4. In the case of manuscripts with an editorial decision "accept with mandatory adaptations", the changes made should be highlighted in a review letter, available at link review. Any suggestions/indications of the reviewer that are not met should be indicated and justified in the review letter.
5. Accepted articles will be sent for review and returned to the authors to accept any suggestions for changes.
6. After the final acceptance at the content review stage, the manuscript will be sent for translation in Portuguese, English, and/or Spanish, depending on the language of the original manuscript.
7. It is possible to adopt the open review system with the agreement of authors and reviewers. In this case, the identification information of the reviewer responsible for the evaluation will be included in the text.
8. At the option of the reviewer, it is possible to publish the opinion as an original and indexable document, in E-Legis, in a specific area. In this case, it is assumed that the reviewer agrees with the terms of the Editorial Policy of E-Legis, also being the author of the manuscript (opinion).