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V. 15 N. 38 Maio/Ago. 2022


December 31, 2021


This article deals with the production of indications in the Chamber of Deputies between 02/2019 and 08/2021. Indications are legislative proposals through which parliamentarians suggest to other levels of power (especially the executive branch and its ministries) the adoption of measures aimed at the interests of specific social groups or society in general. Based on legislative theories, it is assumed that parliamentarians are sensitive to issues that affect their bases, so that relevant social facts, such as the covid-19 pandemic, have implications for parliamentary behavior, reflected in the production of indications. It is also assumed that opposition deputies are less likely to issue indications, given the low expectation of being attended to by the government. The study showed that, during the period, deputies were intensely mobilized by presenting indications – many of them aimed at the pandemic – and also showed that opposition deputies were less likely than others to present indications to the executive branch – however, the data show that the differences between opposition deputies and the others were only confirmed in relation to indications in general, but not in relation to indications referring to the pandemic.


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