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V. 15 N. 39 Set./Dez. 2022


October 31, 2021


The Access to Information Law brings important implications for Public Communication, including the need to implement municipal ombudsmen. Technology can be an ally of the Public Administration by offering citizens online tools for accessing information and the right to exercise citizenship. To present elements for the debate on the role of municipal public ombudsmen and demonstrate the number and conditions of existing municipal ombudsman offices in the Alto Tietê region, the research used a literature review, documentary survey, exploratory research and application of questionnaires. The low number of ombudsmen on the town hall (present in only 30% of the cities analyzed) indicates the possibility of improvement and the need to comply with the laws that determine their obligation, in the context of LAI and Law No. 13,460. Without exhausting the theme, but to initiate a debate on its importance, it appears that communication between government and governed needs to be elaborated in order to allow the expression of the population's demands and, at the same time, constitute forms of legitimization of the objectives, policies and management criteria of governments. From the results found in the research, difficulties of professionals involved in the topic and gaps in law enforcement were observed.


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