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Dossiê Parlamentos e Comunicação Pública

V. 14 N. 36 Set./Dez. 2021


April 27, 2021


This paper aims to present the role of officials from parliaments concerning the development of e-Participation mechanisms. The analysis is a case study of two national parliaments – the Brazilian House of Representatives and the British House of Commons – from the observation in field and interviews with public officials involved in the construction of institutional online tools for public engagement. The results show that there is constant involvement of external agents with the institutions to contribute to the modernization process, the teams have expertise and are updated about the world changes concerning digital technologies, and these practitioners believe that developing e-Participation tools is opening an important channel between the parliament and the citizens. Finally, we conclude that the integration between sectors is one of the essential actions to the success of initiatives, since they connect different agents over the same problem and expands the publicity of the mechanisms.


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