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V. 15 N. 39 Set./Dez. 2022


January 13, 2022


It deals with the study of the use of the Quota for the Exercise of Parliamentary Activity (CEAP) by federal deputies of the Federal District from 2019 to 2021. With the declaration of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, the Chamber of Deputies and parliamentary activities have to undergo a rapid adaptation to the new reality arising from the need for social distance, restriction of physical presence in Parliament. Starting from a quantitative approach to data analysis from the Transparency section of the institutional website of the Chamber of Deputies, it was possible to observe that there were few changes in the usage behavior and values used of the Quota for the Exercise of Parliamentary Activity in the observed three-year period. The data show that between 2019 and 2020 there was a slight increase of 0.24% in the amounts spent and between 2020 and 2021 a decrease of 3.59% in parliamentary expenses. Additionally, it was possible to observe that the types of expenses with the highest amounts in a non-pandemic year remained the same in pandemic years.


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