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Relatos de Experiências

V. 15 N. 38 Maio/Ago. 2022


August 12, 2021


This experience report details the realization of the project “This is my Story”, to rescue the memory of retired employees of the Federal Senate, in the light of the literature on Knowledge Management in organizations. The method is document analysis, based on institutional devices and the book itself. The analysis suggests that the action is a good example of organizational memory preservation in the public sector, in line with the literature and with the values ​​and strategic planning of the institution. The stages of socialization, externalization and combination of the dynamic knowledge creation model were identified, and that the initiative generated a feeling of belonging to a public that previously received little attention from the Administration. The contribution of the report is methodological, based on the details of actions that can serve as inspiration for initiatives by other public institutions, in valuing its retired staff.


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