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Dossiê Sistema Polí­tico Brasileiro - CEFOR / IMPA / EPRG-UnB

V. 15 N. 37 Jan./Abr. 2022


June 14, 2021


This paper analyzes the survival of party leaders in the Chamber of Deputies (CD). We seek to answer the question: what variables impact on the survival of a party leader? We analyzed the leaders of the main political parties in the CD, in order to test some hypotheses raised by the literature on the survival of political leaders. The dependent variable is the number of days that each of these leaders remained at the head of their party and the independent variables are: ideology, experience and political credibility of the deputy, period in which he assumed the role, size of the party and the fact of belonging to the coalition of the federal government. The results, based on survival analysis models, indicate that the fact that the deputy takes office at the beginning of the legislature and has expertise increases the survival time, while being in a leftist party has the opposite effect.


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